BTC 0.00000000 + -
ETH 0.00000000 + -
USDTerc20 0.00000000 + -
TRX 0.00000000 + -
XRP 0.00000000 + -
DOGE 0.00000000 + -
USDCerc20 0.00000000 + -
USDTtrc20 0.00000000 + -
USDTbep20 0.00000000 + -
USD 0.00000000 + -
RUR 0.00000000 + -
Est. BTC: 0.00000000 BTC
通貨 価格 変更 数量 fullname
通貨 価格 変更 数量 fullname
0.03177200 0%0YobitCoin
ETH0.05509578- 0.7%3071.2Ethereum
ZEC0.00032900- 2.7%363.2Zcash
LTC0.00119898- 1%188.3Litecoin
DASH0.00039599- 1.4%159.4DASH
ETC0.00028568+ 2.1%127.9EthereumClassic
D0.00000189- 2.6%80.4YoChat Token
0.00000033- 3%17Shiba v2 Limited
0.00000203- 0.5%13.4Tron Token
SHIBA20.00000033 0%8.2Shiba v2 Limited
T0.00001710+ 0.6%4.9SHIBA INU
0.00000759- 1.5%4Ripple
0.06217316- 0.9%3.9BIG
BTCT62921.52+ 1.9%3.1Bitcoin
0.00000198- 0.6%2.6Dogecoin
T63272.12+ 2.7%2.4Bitcoin
BCHABC0.00010098- 2.9%2.4BitcoinCashABC
0.05503991- 0.5%2.1Ethereum
T63363.70+ 3.2%1.9Bitcoin
R5532106.20+ 1%1.6Bitcoin
T0.00016980+ 0.6%1.4FLOKI BEP20
TRX0.00000204- 0.5%1.4Tron Token
T63320.50+ 3%1.2Bitcoin
0.00012143- 2.1%0.8TON BEP20
0.00919171- 2.2%0.7BNB BSC
0.00012149- 1.7%0.7TON Coin
D0.00317028- 0.2%0.7BONUS
T3472.5203575+ 2.3%0.6Ethereum
FLOKIT0.00017350+ 0.9%0.5FLOKI BEP20
R1.52- 1.5%0.4Wrapped Ruble
BTCR5506833.55+ 1.1%0.4Bitcoin
DOGET0.12534253+ 2.8%0.4Dogecoin
USDTR88.10- 2.1%0.3USDT ERC20
T0.99699223- 0.3%0.3USDT ERC20
3468.3190505+ 2.2%0.3Ethereum
1.42207364+ 0.4%0.3Wrapped Shiba
R87.82- 1.7%0.3USDT ERC20
0.00000022- 4.4%0.3Notcoin
T0.12488832+ 1.8%0.3Dogecoin
0.00921577- 2.1%0.3WBNB BEP20
R307034.30+ 1.2%0.2Ethereum
  • AEerc20 / RUR
  • Last: 24.25849244
  • 24High: 24.25849244
  • 24Low: 24.25849244
  • 24V: 0 AE(e)
残高: 0.00000000 RUR
手数料 (0.2%):
価格 AE(e) RUR
24.99171752 0.00902287 0.22549701
25.24225950 0.00858699 0.21675502
25.49531316 0.00850179 0.21675579
25.67950000 0.00412848 0.10601730
25.75090368 0.00841679 0.21673994
26.00905649 0.00826729 0.21502441
26.26979730 0.00818466 0.21500935
26.53315203 0.00810340 0.21500874
26.79914689 0.00802297 0.21500875
27.06780834 0.00800249 0.21660986
27.33916314 0.00792307 0.21661010
27.61323826 0.00777998 0.21483044
27.89006099 0.00776034 0.21643635
28.16965886 0.00768018 0.21634805
28.45205970 0.00759987 0.21623195
28.73729161 0.00746474 0.21451641
29.02538297 0.00750809 0.21792518
29.31636244 0.00737773 0.21628820
29.61025898 0.00730449 0.21628784
29.90710183 0.00734468 0.21965809
30.20692053 0.00726901 0.21957440
30.50974492 0.00713880 0.21780296
30.81560513 0.00712404 0.21953160
31.12453158 0.00710958 0.22128234
31.43655501 0.00686865 0.21592669
31.75170648 0.00679896 0.21587858
32.07001734 0.00678425 0.21757101
32.39151927 0.00671364 0.21746499
32.71624426 0.00664700 0.21746487
33.04422462 0.00658102 0.21746470
33.37549299 0.00661992 0.22094309
33.71008231 0.00655226 0.22087722
34.04802590 0.00648722 0.22087703
34.38935736 0.00627148 0.21567216
34.50000000 0.00536045 0.18493552
34.73411068 0.00625878 0.21739315
35.08232015 0.00619666 0.21739320
35.43402041 0.00613515 0.21739303
35.78924647 0.00607426 0.21739318
36.14803368 0.00606197 0.21912829
36.51041773 0.00604969 0.22087670
36.87643467 0.00594222 0.21912788
37.24612094 0.00588325 0.21912824
37.25161660 0.02518107 0.93803556
37.61951331 0.00587133 0.22087657
37.99664894 0.00590621 0.22441618
38.37756536 0.00589425 0.22620696
38.76230046 0.00588231 0.22801186
39.15089253 0.00577782 0.22620680
39.54338024 0.00572048 0.22620711
手数料 (0.2%):
価格 AE(e) RUR
24.25849244 0.00357628 0.08675516
24.01771484 0.00997366 0.23954452
23.77932708 0.01007364 0.23954438
23.60000000 0.00443775 0.10473090
23.54330544 0.01017462 0.23954418
23.30962642 0.01027662 0.23954417
23.07826678 0.01037964 0.23954410
22.84920351 0.01092881 0.24971460
22.62241381 0.01096522 0.24805974
22.39787510 0.01115311 0.24980596
22.17556505 0.01210205 0.26836979
21.95546154 0.01130248 0.24815116
21.73754266 0.01141575 0.24815035
21.52178674 0.01153491 0.24825187
21.30817230 0.00003576 0.00076198
21.09667809 0.01087006 0.22932215
20.88728307 0.00993466 0.20750805
20.67996639 0.01003352 0.20749285
20.50000000 0.05868048 1.20294984
20.47470744 0.01005391 0.20585086
20.27148579 0.01006941 0.20412190
20.07028121 0.01017036 0.20412198
19.87107369 0.01019099 0.20250591
19.67384340 0.01029316 0.20250601
19.47857072 0.01039634 0.20250584
19.28523621 0.01049744 0.20244561
19.09382065 0.01060237 0.20243975
18.90430498 0.01057961 0.20000017
18.71667035 0.01068567 0.20000016
18.53089808 0.01079279 0.20000009
18.40000000 0.00573886 0.10559502
18.34696970 0.01090099 0.20000013
18.16486690 0.01101027 0.20000008
17.98457156 0.01112065 0.20000012
17.80606574 0.01123213 0.20000004
17.62933168 0.01134473 0.20000000
17.45435180 0.01145847 0.20000016
17.28110867 0.01157334 0.20000014
17.10958507 0.01168936 0.20000009
16.93976393 0.01180654 0.20000000
16.77162834 0.01192491 0.20000015
16.60516159 0.01204445 0.20000003
16.44034710 0.01216520 0.20000011
16.27716847 0.01228715 0.20000001
16.20216107 3.08600808 49.99999997
16.20216106 3.70321000 60.00000485
16.11560948 0.01241033 0.20000003
15.95565403 0.01253475 0.20000013
15.92304021 5.65219000 90.00004864
15.79728622 0.01266041 0.20000012
時間 価格
AE(e) [C]
時間 価格 AE(e)
20:13:24 売る 24.25849244 0.00560637
20:13:21 売る 24.5000000 0.00536045
20:13:21 売る 24.50168384 0.00158294
19:58:16 売る 24.50168384 0.00743993
19:57:53 売る 24.74731323 0.00858699
19:57:09 売る 24.99540505 0.00007119
17:42:16 売る 24.99540505 0.00843060
17:42:16 売る 25.2459840 0.00000025
17:40:14 売る 25.2459840 0.00441075
17:37:48 売る 25.2459840 0.00400579
17:37:45 売る 25.3000000 0.00412848
17:37:45 売る 25.49907499 0.00002541
17:32:06 売る 25.49907499 0.00824188
17:15:37 売る 25.75470323 0.00818466
17:15:37 売る 26.01289414 0.00810340
17:15:37 売る 26.27367342 0.00802297
17:15:37 売る 26.5370670 0.00000493
11:02:15 売る 26.5370670 0.00799756
11:02:11 売る 26.80310111 0.00792307
00:23:51 売る 27.07180221 0.00777998
00:23:51 売る 27.34319704 0.00776034
00:23:51 売る 27.6173126 0.00768018
00:23:50 売る 27.89417617 0.00759987
00:23:50 売る 28.1738153 0.00746474
00:23:50 売る 28.45625781 0.00750809
00:23:50 売る 28.7415318 0.00737773
00:23:50 売る 29.02966566 0.00730449
00:23:50 売る 29.32068806 0.00734468
00:23:50 売る 29.61462797 0.00726901
00:23:50 売る 29.91151462 0.00713880
00:23:50 売る 30.21137757 0.00712404
00:23:50 売る 30.51424664 0.00710958
00:23:50 売る 30.82015197 0.00686865
00:23:50 売る 31.1291240 0.00679896
00:23:50 売る 31.44119347 0.00678425
00:23:50 売る 31.75639144 0.00671364
00:23:50 売る 32.07474927 0.00664700
00:23:50 売る 32.39629864 0.00658102
00:23:50 売る 32.72107155 0.00661992
00:23:49 売る 33.0491003 0.00655226
00:23:49 売る 33.38041754 0.00648722
00:23:49 売る 33.71505623 0.00627148
00:23:49 売る 34.05304968 0.00625878
00:23:49 売る 34.39443151 0.00619666
00:23:49 売る 34.73923569 0.00613515
00:23:49 売る 35.08749653 0.00607426
00:23:49 売る 35.4392487 0.00606197
00:23:49 売る 35.79452718 0.00604969
00:23:49 売る 36.15336732 0.00279222
00:23:49 売る 36.51580484 0.00588325

jagrapolite5 L1: i could have told you that but im a turd on a yhat sippin some drinks lol

jagrapolite5 L1: i drink too much too dehidrated i have no tears lol

jagrapolite5 L1: man this site needs to be like 18+ or something lol this cobra guy has to be 10-12 or something

cobratoontje: Lol

cobratoontje: Figures.....

jagrapolite5 L1: last tear i saw was in bladerunner lol

jagrapolite5 L1: oh yeah it was a tear in the rain nvm i didnt see zhit lol

cobratoontje: I said i was done with you......?

jagrapolite5 L1: then how or why are you still typing?

jagrapolite5 L1: if your mommy typing for you lol?

jagrapolite5 L1: is*

jagrapolite5 L1: i do love to troll ;)

jagrapolite5 L1: you know... i would actually be upset and sad if everything i am accusing you of is true

cobratoontje: jagrapolite5, You do not understand English?

jagrapolite5 L1: so i am sorry

jagrapolite5 L1: are you typing with your toes? lol

cobratoontje: Normally i do not derbaqte with morons, sorry

jagrapolite5 L1: im in 3 troll boxes berraly responding to you lol

jagrapolite5 L1: you type like every 15 minutes lol

cobratoontje: I am lost in this

jagrapolite5 L1: your lost in alot more then this chatbox lol

jagrapolite5 L1: i remember a guy sputnik are you him? thats the only person i know thats this retarded

jagrapolite5 L1: i guess you are lol first and only thing that made you shut up lol

AlexeChe: gm

AlexeChe: jagrapolite5, how are you

AlexeChe: nobody here

AlexeChe: is here

Ardogane87 L1: My account is frozen. I ask the chat moderator to help me unfreeze the account

BoastKit: Ardogane87, Not gonna happen this year. Try in 2025 next time. Maybe you'll get lucky at some point. Not now yet.

Yanadia: BoastKit, lolz

BoastKit: Yanadia, Sadly for him - didn't mean to sound funny. On the other hand he tried - pressed BIG RED button "accidentally"...

BoastKit: Yanadia, Not sure - maybe Yobit should make it smaller - so it's harder to hit it. Just sayin...

maciocia: imagine Kim Jong-un staring all day at the big red button activating nuclear missiles on his desk

maciocia: if he was a yobit user 27 / 5.000 now we would all be dead already

maciocia: * do not consider that 27 / 5000

Privat71 L0: Hello

Privat71 L0: Someone can tell me if dice can trade?

BoastKit: Privat71, RUR (dice/rur)

Privat71 L0: thanks

aleksinmax L1: hello! what is mean Est. BTC ? in left menu

dominikherzog: aleksinmax, Est value is automated calculation based on 1 satoshi minimal price in BTC markets.

bakter553 L0: DICE

maciocia: RICE

Yanadia: BoastKit , yea hihihihi idk - kinda lesson for others to be more carefull with our fingers hehehe

Yanadia: dominikherzog, hey Dom ...

swapnil75: why my dice order not fulfilled yet ??

Ardogane87 L1: dominikherzog, Please help me activate my account My account has been frozen for more than two years

Ardogane87 L1: dominikherzog, Please I am in desperate need of my frozen money

Ardogane87 L1: dominikherzog, I beg you to help me. I have sent several support messages and have not received any response. Please help me

BoastKit: Ardogane87, Told You - try next year. This is sincere advice with zero sarcasm on it. Pure facts. Next time don't randomly push buttons - especially RED ONES on settings page !